CNA Program
The objective of this course is the introduction to the healthcare delivery system, the roles and responsibilities of the healthcare team, and the specific role and responsibilities of the nurse aide.
Upon completing the 2.5-week nurse aide program, the student will be able to articulate, comprehend and apply the basic knowledge and skills to most health occupations, including basic patient care to the acute and chronic, young, adult, and older adult population.
CNA Program
Aligned with the Requirements from the State of Michigan.
Course Description: Students will utilize the “Ready CNA” virtual learning platform. These Hollywood-quality videos engage the learners on an emotional level and provide the framework and a level of relevance for all content-based assets. Students must complete ALL eight sections with 6-7 lesions within each section. Short quizzes/activities will be required throughout the course, which will help Students check their understanding of the material.
Purpose Healthcare Training Center DBA Purpose Healthcare Institute-CNA blended course schedule is 3 Weeks of online learning at 2-3 hours per day. And one week of lab skills and clinical 8 hours per day with skills checked off.
Total for the course: Theory +Lab/skills +clinical 80 hours which exceeds the minimum requirement of the State of Michigan.
Head to www.lcca.com, click CAREERS, click search jobs, and type Employee Based Onsite CNA training Program in the location box. Click find jobs, Choose NON-certified Nursing Assistant and apply!
Purpose Healthcare Training Center DBA Purpose Healthcare Institute is partnering with Employee Based Onsite CNA training Program, an affiliate of Life Care Centers of America, to provide On-Site Nurse aide training!
The two-week on-site Nurse aide training program goal is to prepare candidates to provide high-quality, non-clinical care to the ever-changing population of those in need of care.
Purpose Healthcare Training Center DBA Purpose Healthcare Institute student nurse aides will obtain the skills and knowledge base required to care for the residents of Employee Based Onsite CNA training Program and those in the community.
Upon completing the nurse aide training program, students will be prepared to sit and pass the nurse assistant examination as required by the State of Michigan and become certified Nursing assistants.
You must be hired and meet minimum requirements to participate in this program.